When we ask ourselves about what learning to promote,Guest Posting how to organize teaching and how to evaluate its development in a given context is always a complex task in which it is recognized that the teacher must know when, where and why he uses these teaching strategies.

Similarly, today when we talk about the teaching and learning process, there is a noticeable concern about what is to be taught, and not only that but how it is going to be taught, how are students going to develop skills that allow them to give continuity to the process, hence the need for the student to develop and apply learning strategies without the need to be guided step by step by a teacher, instructor or guide; Now, how does all this develop in the process of Teaching and learning?

Today we can not speak of traditional education as a link of essay help to progress or a model to follow to achieve goals and objectives proposed at different levels both nationally and internationally. As educators, looking beyond the traditional we find changes, which range from the teaching process, the learning process, in the way certain content reaches the students, to how that content is fed back and used to transform our society.

The education, the teaching process, and the learning process, in the current moments, have to be seen beyond a simple instruction; Today it is not the instructor who takes total control of the process, rather the student is the one who drives and motivates part of that process that leads to progress in a future increasingly renewed.

When talking about teaching and learning strategies it is good to know that there is a very marked difference between one and the other, but to speak of one without mentioning the other, is often confusing, why? Why the teaching strategy is used as a means or a resource through which pedagogical help is offered, is applied by an educator, instructor or guide, in the learning process; while the learning strategy internalizes a process in the student since, rather, they are conducts that facilitate learning, and for that they use a large number of resources, activities, and means.

In recent years a large number of studies have focused on the aspect of teaching and learning a foreign language. This shows how some researchers highlight the importance of teaching strategies, identifying them as resources used by the teacher to promote learning. In the same way, Lawrence Stenhouse says:

“I prefer the term teaching strategy to that of teaching methods, … the teaching strategy seems to allude more to the planning of teaching and learning based on principles, and to give more importance to the judgment of the teacher”
(Encyclopedia of Pedagogy Practice, 2005) .

In the same way, others prefer to present teaching strategies as a set of decisions that the teacher takes to guide teaching in order to promote the learning of their students.

By observing this quote from Lawrence Stenhouse you can immediately identify a work situation where the teacher is planning the teaching and learning of their students. Taking into account that the teacher must apply the strategies as flexible and adaptive procedures to different teaching circumstances. Thus, a great variety of teaching strategies can be identified, but they are classified according to their function or purpose, adapting them to the level of development of the students.

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